- The Cash Controller is responsible for all company cash floats within the arcade operation and will sign to acknowledge this fact.
- Ensures that all relevant documentation is completed and all transactions are reconciled and recorded as required on a daily basis.
- Ensures that a venue collection takes place weekly and that agreed company procedures are maintained at all times.
- Ensures that cash desks and cash counting rooms are maintained to a high standard.
- Ensures that change machines are kept floated to agreed levels at all times. Any technical faults to be reported to the relevant Venue Manager and recorded in the daily arcade diary immediately.
- Issues floats to Cashiers or any other relevant personnel, ensuring that they are checked on a weekly basis and reconciled upon return.
- Completes all cash transactions with collection staff in line with company and host site procedures.
- Calculates and administers weekly revenue split with Host Company.
- Completes banking of all company revenue on a weekly basis.
- Conducts reconciliation of main safe on a daily basis with a weekly physical check.
- Completes relevant documentation with regard to machine float movements.
- Compiles and maintains machine asset register – completes machine movement forms (LP6) and sends to head office.
- Ensures that all keys are recorded and controlled in compliance with company procedures.
- Ensures no other person has access to the arcade main float at any time.
- Complies at all times with the Health and Safety at Work policy.
- To be aware of all aspects of security.
- Responsible for ensuring that cashiers keep their areas clean and tidy.
- Provides relevant cover for immediate teams requirements, i.e. days off, holidays etc.
- All float discrepancies to be reported to Resorts Amusement Manager immediately.
- To take on any other responsibilities or tasks that are within the employee’s skills and abilities whenever reasonably instructed
Operational Performance
- Seeks information from appropriate existing sources to handle tasks, issues and problems. The sources might include: other people, manuals, websites, customer records, etc.
Customer Focus
- Refers to higher authorities and/or established procedures and regulations when required.
- Acts promptly to meet customer needs.
Personal Development
- Seeks and responds positively to regular performance feedback from other people.
- Sees the need to work co-operatively with others and does so.
- Keeps others informed (eg. colleagues, customers, management) of matters which affect them.
- Shows commitment to team goals (e.g. by actively joining in team activities/group discussions and committing to follow-up actions).
- Understanding the teams objectives and acting accordingly.
- Supports team/group decisions even if not in complete agreement.
- Is courteous and shows consideration for the needs and feelings of others.
- Listens to the views, feelings and attitudes of others and works sensitively with them.
- Communication is delivered in a way which promotes understanding eg. in oral communication, speed and volume are appropriate and tone, gestures and eye contact are used expressively to add meaning and emphasis.
- Uses words and phrases effectively, presenting ideas and information in a logical and well ordered fashion so that the context is easily understandable.
- When communicating in writing demonstrates ability to compose original messages as required as well as developing routine messages from standard formats and templates using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Integrity and Trust
- Be able to accept and adapt to change in policies and procedures.
Accountability and Ownership
- Seeks to ensure that customers needs are met in a way that is advantageous to both the organisation and customer.
To apply for this job please visit inspiredcareers.secure.force.com.